Zaproszenie na Gordon Research Conference „Metabolomics and Human Health”

Wszystkich zainteresowanych serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w dwóch wydarzeniach: Gordon Research Conference oraz Gordon Research Seminar. Szczegółowe informacje wraz z linkami do obydwu wydarzeń zamieszczamy poniżej.

Gordon Research Conference Metabolomics and Human Health, will be in Barga (Tuscany), Italy, on March 12-17:

The attendance limit is 200, thus it is important to apply early enough (via the meeting web site). The inaugural GRC ‘Metabolomics and Human Health’ meeting (Ventura, CA, 2019) ended up being oversubscribed few months before the event.

The meeting will be preceded by Gordon Research Seminar Metabolomics and Human Health (March 11-12), which is organized by early-career researchers: